Sunday, June 20, 2010


Sunday, June 20, 2010
Message 37 on blog: Our Spaceship Earth
From Goodspaceguy, a middle of the flock sheeple and a US Senatorial candidate

Goodspaceguy Says Washington State Should Publish A Printed Primary Election Voters Pamphlet

Dear fellow Sheeple,
The State of Washington is holding a primary election, ending Tuesday, August 17, 2010.
But, dear Sheeple, your chosen political power structure of the State of Washington has decided that it won’t print and distribute a voters’ pamphlet to go along with this primary election covering all the candidates who have filed and paid their filing fees with the Washington Secretary of State.
But then, after the many bleating voices of the small-spending candidates are eliminated in the primary election, then your chosen leaders will print and distribute a voters’ pamphlet for the general election for the surviving big-spending candidates so that the voices of the big spenders can be even better heard.
Goodspaceguy says that this is wrong. The state should treat all candidates equally. If only one voters’ pamphlet is to be printed and distributed, it should be for all the candidates. Therefore it should be for the primary election, not the general election. All candidates should be covered by the state. The state should not give preferred treatment to the big-spending candidates.
Goodspaceguy says that the big-spenders create the big government that shears you and markets you, my fellow sheeple.
However, the power structures of King County and a few other counties should be praised. The power structures of a few counties have decided to make up for this deficiency by Washington State Government by publishing and distributing a printed vote pamphlets for the primary election in their counties.
But, unfortunately, many other counties will not make up for this failure of state government. In many counties, the voters will not receive a printed primary guide from the state to inform them about the statements of the state candidates.
Some people think that government should help more in the funding of elections. I, Goodspaceguy, think that our Washington State Government through the Washington Secretary of State should publish and distribute at least a printed primary voters’ pamphlet in the Primary Election. This would be fair to all the candidates who filed through the Washington Secretary of State.
In conclusion, Goodspaceguy says again that all candidates should be treated equally. If your Washington State chosen power structure is going to put out only one printed voters’ guide, it should be for the primary election instead of for the general election. In the primary voters guide, the voices of all the candidates can be read … so that the small-spending, bleating candidate voices from among the sheeple can be heard before the next shearing and marketing of the sheeple.
In the general election, usually it is only the big-spending, surviving wolves who are heard.
Upward with Goodspaceguy, a small-spending sheeple from the middle of the flock.

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